Chapter 3. Configuring tags and labels in cost management
You must configure tags in each source before cost management can use the tags to automatically organize your cost data.
After adding your sources to cost management:
- Tag or label resources on each of your sources. See Section 3.2, “Configuring tags on your sources”.
- (Optional) Enable OpenShift tag grouping to further organize your cost data views for each source. See Section, “Enabling OpenShift tag grouping”.
- Refine and add to your tags to optimize your view of cost data. See Section 2.2, “Considerations for your tagging strategy”.
See the Getting started with cost management guide for instructions on configuring sources.
3.1. How cost management associates tags
Tags in AWS and Azure and labels in OpenShift consist of key:value pairs. When the key:value pairs match, the AWS/Azure and OpenShift costs are automatically associated by cost management. Tag matching in cost management is not case sensitive: for example, an AWS resource tagged APP and an OpenShift resource tagged app are a match:
Source and resource type | Key | Value |
AWS resource (RDS) | APP | Cost-Management |
OpenShift pod | app | cost-management |
If an AWS resource tag matches with multiple OpenShift projects, the cost and usage of that resource are split evenly between the matched projects.
Note that this is not the case with AWS compute resources that are matched via the instance ID-node relationship. In that case, cost and usage are broken down using information about a project’s resource consumption within the OpenShift cluster.
By default, cost management tracks AWS compute usage and costs by associating the Amazon EC2 instance ID or Azure virtual machine instance ID with the OpenShift Container Platform node running on that instance.
3.1.1. Tag matching hierarchy in cost management
To identify your OpenShift resources running on AWS or Azure instances, cost management matches tags between sources in the following order:
- Direct resource matching (AWS EC2 instance ID or Azure virtual machine instance ID)
- Special OpenShift tags
- Custom tags Direct resource matching (instance ID)
The sources apply these identifiers automatically. This form of tagging provides a direct link between Azure or AWS instances and OpenShift nodes.
AWS assigns every EC2 instance a resource identifier (a number such as i-01f44b3d90ef90055
). OpenShift nodes are matched directly to the AWS EC2 instance the cluster is running on using the AWS resource identifier. The OpenShift reports in cost management (generated from Prometheus data) include this identifier for nodes. Similarly in Azure, each virtual machine instance ID is included in the OpenShift reports for cost management. Special OpenShift tags
There are three special-case AWS tags you can use to associate cost with OpenShift:
These tags have matching priority over custom tags, and are especially useful in differentiating the costs of different OpenShift clusters running on the same AWS instance.
To use this tagging method to identify an OpenShift cluster, tag your AWS instance with the key openshift_cluster
, and provide the OpenShift source name as the value. In the following example, the name of OpenShift source in the cost management application is dev-cluster
Source and resource type | Key | Value |
AWS resource (RDS) |
OpenShift cluster |
No tags needed. This will match if the name of the OpenShift source in cost management is | No tags needed. | Custom tags
You can use any key:value combination as tags, and cost management will associate identical tag key and values together. You can then group costs by tag key, account, service, region, and more to view your costs and charge for that tag.
Source and resource type | Key | Value |
AWS resource (RDS) |
OpenShift pod |
3.2. Configuring tags on your sources
In order to control which tags cost management imports, activate or enable the tags you want to view by source:
- AWS tags must be activated, and are then selected and exported to cost management in the Cost and Usage report. See Activating AWS tags for cost management in the Getting started with cost management guide for instructions.
- Azure tags are exported to cost management in the cost export report configured in Configuring a daily Azure data export schedule in Getting started with cost management.
- OpenShift Container Platform labels are exported by Metering and included in the metrics reports that cost management uses as input. Enable tag key grouping in the cloud.redhat.com application settings to specify which tags to group your cost data by. See Section, “Enabling OpenShift tag grouping” for instructions.
3.2.1. Adding tags to an AWS resource
Amazon creates certain identifiers automatically, like the EC2 instance resource identifier (a number such as i-123456789
), which cost management uses similarly to a tag.
You can also add your own tags at the individual resource level. These tags must be activated for Cost and Usage Reporting to export them to the cost management application.
Configure AWS tags for cost management using the following steps:
Create and apply tags to your AWS resources.
See User-Defined Cost Allocation Tags in the AWS documentation for instructions.
Activate the tags you want to be collected by the cost management application via the Cost and Usage Report. In the AWS Billing console, select the tags you want to activate from the Cost Allocation Tags area.
See Activating the AWS-Generated Cost Allocation Tags in the AWS documentation for instructions.
3.2.2. Adding tags to an Azure resource
Adding an Azure source creates identifiers for virtual machine instances automatically, which cost management uses similarly to tags to associate Azure resources to related OpenShift resources.
You can also add your own tags in Azure at the individual resource level.
Create and apply Azure tags for cost management using the instructions in the Azure documentation: Use tags to organize your Azure resources and management hierarchy.
3.2.3. Viewing labels in an OpenShift namespace
The AWS or Azure tag equivalent in OpenShift is a label, which also consists of a key:value pair. Cost management collects OpenShift tag data from nodes, pods, and persistent volumes (or persistent volume claims) using Prometheus metrics and Operator Metering.
To view the available tags, navigate to a resource in the OpenShift web console. Any assigned labels are listed under the Labels heading, for example: openshift.io/cluster-monitoring=true. Enabling OpenShift tag grouping
By default, cost management groups OpenShift cost data by cluster, node, and project on the OpenShift details page. Grouping data by tag key can be useful to further customize your view.
To group your cost data by tag key, you must enable the tag keys in the cloud.redhat.com application settings.
- You must have Organization Administrator privileges to change these settings in cost management. See Limiting access to cost management resources in Getting started with cost management for more information about user roles and access.
To enable OpenShift tag keys for grouping:
- Click (Settings) to navigate to Applications > Cost management.
- Click Enable OpenShift labels.
- Select the keys you want to group by in the cost management application from the Available Tags list, and use the arrows to move the tags to the Enabled Tags list.
- Click Submit to save your changes.
Verification steps
The enabled tag keys will now be available to group costs by from the OpenShift details area of cost management, in the View by list. For example, when you choose View by: Tag: