
10.2. ロールとバインディングの表示

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ロール は、クラスター全体 および プロジェクトのスコープ の両方で各種のアクセスレベルを付与するために使用できます。ユーザーおよびグループ は、1 度に複数のロールに関連付けるか、または バインド することができます。oc describe コマンドを使用して、ロールおよびそれらのバインディングの詳細を確認できます。

クラスター全体でバインドされた cluster-admin のデフォルトクラスターロール を持つユーザーはすべてのリソースに対してすべてのアクションを実行できます。ローカルにバインドされた admin のデフォルトクラスターロール を持つユーザーはそのプロジェクト内のロールとバインディングをローカルに管理できます。


Evaluating Authorization セクションで動詞の詳細リストを確認してください。

10.2.1. クラスターロールの表示


$ oc describe clusterrole.rbac
Name:		admin
Labels:		<none>
Annotations:	openshift.io/description=A user that has edit rights within the project and can change the project's membership.
  Resources							Non-Resource URLs	Resource Names	Verbs
  ---------							-----------------	--------------	-----
  appliedclusterresourcequotas					[]			[]		[get list watch]
  appliedclusterresourcequotas.quota.openshift.io		[]			[]		[get list watch]
  bindings							[]			[]		[get list watch]
  buildconfigs							[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  buildconfigs.build.openshift.io				[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  buildconfigs/instantiate					[]			[]		[create]
  buildconfigs.build.openshift.io/instantiate			[]			[]		[create]
  buildconfigs/instantiatebinary				[]			[]		[create]
  buildconfigs.build.openshift.io/instantiatebinary		[]			[]		[create]
  buildconfigs/webhooks						[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  buildconfigs.build.openshift.io/webhooks			[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  buildlogs							[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  buildlogs.build.openshift.io					[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  builds							[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  builds.build.openshift.io					[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  builds/clone							[]			[]		[create]
  builds.build.openshift.io/clone				[]			[]		[create]
  builds/details						[]			[]		[update]
  builds.build.openshift.io/details				[]			[]		[update]
  builds/log							[]			[]		[get list watch]
  builds.build.openshift.io/log					[]			[]		[get list watch]
  configmaps							[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  cronjobs.batch						[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  daemonsets.extensions						[]			[]		[get list watch]
  deploymentconfigrollbacks					[]			[]		[create]
  deploymentconfigrollbacks.apps.openshift.io			[]			[]		[create]
  deploymentconfigs						[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  deploymentconfigs.apps.openshift.io				[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  deploymentconfigs/instantiate					[]			[]		[create]
  deploymentconfigs.apps.openshift.io/instantiate		[]			[]		[create]
  deploymentconfigs/log						[]			[]		[get list watch]
  deploymentconfigs.apps.openshift.io/log			[]			[]		[get list watch]
  deploymentconfigs/rollback					[]			[]		[create]
  deploymentconfigs.apps.openshift.io/rollback			[]			[]		[create]
  deploymentconfigs/scale					[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  deploymentconfigs.apps.openshift.io/scale			[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  deploymentconfigs/status					[]			[]		[get list watch]
  deploymentconfigs.apps.openshift.io/status			[]			[]		[get list watch]
  deployments.apps						[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  deployments.extensions					[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  deployments.extensions/rollback				[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  deployments.apps/scale					[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  deployments.extensions/scale					[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  deployments.apps/status					[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  endpoints							[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  events							[]			[]		[get list watch]
  horizontalpodautoscalers.autoscaling				[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  horizontalpodautoscalers.extensions				[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  imagestreamimages						[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  imagestreamimages.image.openshift.io				[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  imagestreamimports						[]			[]		[create]
  imagestreamimports.image.openshift.io				[]			[]		[create]
  imagestreammappings						[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  imagestreammappings.image.openshift.io			[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  imagestreams							[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  imagestreams.image.openshift.io				[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  imagestreams/layers						[]			[]		[get update]
  imagestreams.image.openshift.io/layers			[]			[]		[get update]
  imagestreams/secrets						[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  imagestreams.image.openshift.io/secrets			[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  imagestreams/status						[]			[]		[get list watch]
  imagestreams.image.openshift.io/status			[]			[]		[get list watch]
  imagestreamtags						[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  imagestreamtags.image.openshift.io				[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  jenkins.build.openshift.io					[]			[]		[admin edit view]
  jobs.batch							[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  limitranges							[]			[]		[get list watch]
  localresourceaccessreviews					[]			[]		[create]
  localresourceaccessreviews.authorization.openshift.io		[]			[]		[create]
  localsubjectaccessreviews					[]			[]		[create]
  localsubjectaccessreviews.authorization.k8s.io		[]			[]		[create]
  localsubjectaccessreviews.authorization.openshift.io		[]			[]		[create]
  namespaces							[]			[]		[get list watch]
  namespaces/status						[]			[]		[get list watch]
  networkpolicies.extensions					[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  persistentvolumeclaims					[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  pods								[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  pods/attach							[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  pods/exec							[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  pods/log							[]			[]		[get list watch]
  pods/portforward						[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  pods/proxy							[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  pods/status							[]			[]		[get list watch]
  podsecuritypolicyreviews					[]			[]		[create]
  podsecuritypolicyreviews.security.openshift.io		[]			[]		[create]
  podsecuritypolicyselfsubjectreviews				[]			[]		[create]
  podsecuritypolicyselfsubjectreviews.security.openshift.io	[]			[]		[create]
  podsecuritypolicysubjectreviews				[]			[]		[create]
  podsecuritypolicysubjectreviews.security.openshift.io		[]			[]		[create]
  processedtemplates						[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  processedtemplates.template.openshift.io			[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  projects							[]			[]		[delete get patch update]
  projects.project.openshift.io					[]			[]		[delete get patch update]
  replicasets.extensions					[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  replicasets.extensions/scale					[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  replicationcontrollers					[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  replicationcontrollers/scale					[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  replicationcontrollers.extensions/scale			[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  replicationcontrollers/status					[]			[]		[get list watch]
  resourceaccessreviews						[]			[]		[create]
  resourceaccessreviews.authorization.openshift.io		[]			[]		[create]
  resourcequotas						[]			[]		[get list watch]
  resourcequotas/status						[]			[]		[get list watch]
  resourcequotausages						[]			[]		[get list watch]
  rolebindingrestrictions					[]			[]		[get list watch]
  rolebindingrestrictions.authorization.openshift.io		[]			[]		[get list watch]
  rolebindings							[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  rolebindings.authorization.openshift.io			[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  rolebindings.rbac.authorization.k8s.io			[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  roles								[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  roles.authorization.openshift.io				[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  roles.rbac.authorization.k8s.io				[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  routes							[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  routes.route.openshift.io					[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  routes/custom-host						[]			[]		[create]
  routes.route.openshift.io/custom-host				[]			[]		[create]
  routes/status							[]			[]		[get list watch update]
  routes.route.openshift.io/status				[]			[]		[get list watch update]
  scheduledjobs.batch						[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  secrets							[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  serviceaccounts						[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch impersonate]
  services							[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  services/proxy						[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  statefulsets.apps						[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  subjectaccessreviews						[]			[]		[create]
  subjectaccessreviews.authorization.openshift.io		[]			[]		[create]
  subjectrulesreviews						[]			[]		[create]
  subjectrulesreviews.authorization.openshift.io		[]			[]		[create]
  templateconfigs						[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  templateconfigs.template.openshift.io				[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  templateinstances						[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  templateinstances.template.openshift.io			[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  templates							[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
  templates.template.openshift.io				[]			[]		[create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]

Name:		basic-user
Labels:		<none>
Annotations:	openshift.io/description=A user that can get basic information about projects.
  Resources						Non-Resource URLs	Resource Names	Verbs
  ---------						-----------------	--------------	-----
  clusterroles						[]			[]		[get list]
  clusterroles.authorization.openshift.io		[]			[]		[get list]
  clusterroles.rbac.authorization.k8s.io		[]			[]		[get list watch]
  projectrequests					[]			[]		[list]
  projectrequests.project.openshift.io			[]			[]		[list]
  projects						[]			[]		[list watch]
  projects.project.openshift.io				[]			[]		[list watch]
  selfsubjectaccessreviews.authorization.k8s.io		[]			[]		[create]
  selfsubjectrulesreviews				[]			[]		[create]
  selfsubjectrulesreviews.authorization.openshift.io	[]			[]		[create]
  storageclasses.storage.k8s.io				[]			[]		[get list]
  users							[]			[~]		[get]
  users.user.openshift.io				[]			[~]		[get]

Name:		cluster-admin
Labels:		<none>
Annotations:	authorization.openshift.io/system-only=true
		openshift.io/description=A super-user that can perform any action in the cluster. When granted to a user within a project, they have full control over quota and membership and can perform every action...
  Resources	Non-Resource URLs	Resource Names	Verbs
  ---------	-----------------	--------------	-----
  		[*]			[]		[*]
  *.*		[]			[]		[*]

Name:		cluster-debugger
Labels:		<none>
Annotations:	authorization.openshift.io/system-only=true
  Resources	Non-Resource URLs	Resource Names	Verbs
  ---------	-----------------	--------------	-----
  		[/debug/pprof]		[]		[get]
  		[/debug/pprof/*]	[]		[get]
  		[/metrics]		[]		[get]

Name:		cluster-reader
Labels:		<none>
Annotations:	authorization.openshift.io/system-only=true
  Resources							Non-Resource URLs	Resource Names	Verbs
  ---------							-----------------	--------------	-----
  								[*]			[]		[get]
  apiservices.apiregistration.k8s.io				[]			[]		[get list watch]
  apiservices.apiregistration.k8s.io/status			[]			[]		[get list watch]
  appliedclusterresourcequotas					[]			[]		[get list watch]

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